Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Implementation of Business Strategy-Free-Samples-Myassignement
Question: Prepare the report that examines the role of Project in the Implementation of Business Strategy. Answer: Introduction Nestle is a food and beverage organization with headquarters in Switzerland. This particular organization is also known as largest food processing organization in the world. Nestle mainly deals in manufacturing of baby foods, cereals for breakfast, dairy products, tea and many other products (Nestle, 2016). The organization claims to be important stakeholder of worlds largest cosmetic organization that is LOreal. This firm was established by collaboration of two organizations that is Anglo-Swiss Milk organization and Farine Lactee Henri Nestle. The organization grew certain number of recognition that is during the period of second world war and first world war. At present the organization claims to have more than 2000 brands ranging from globally to local favorites and the organization have branches in more than countries. The organization claim to take care of environment and communities where it works or operates. The organization looks after the regulation of environment and also tries its best to reduce any impact on environment (Sethi, 2012). Water is required for manufacturing of breakfast cereals, cooking the cereals, washing for its equipments. Various facilities have environmental and they keep a measure of various operation and method to improvise the performance of environment (Cordn, Hald and Seifert, 2013) . The organization claims to analyze the consumption of energy in details and ultimately works in minimization of energy by introducing energy efficient technology (Elena, 2013). The organization claims to make use of software which will help in increasing the efficiency of software and this ultimately will lead to check the optimal capacity of the truck and have less journey (Kerzner, 2013). The packing material used by this organization have plastic lines, cartons and shipping cases of cardboard which can be easily recycled by the help of existing facilities and the organization claims to encourage recycle packaging. Discussion Vision and Mission Nestle is considered to be leading nutrition, health and wellness organization. The ultimate goal of this organization is Good food, Good life which is provide the customers with best quality of products and wide range of food and beverage products ranging from morning to night (Elena, 2013). The ultimate goal is to be leading nutrition and wellness organization for delivering quality of food for improvising the value of stakeholder by maintaining its position as the leading choice of customers and preferred choice of selling products. People from various parts of the globe understand that food is considered to be nourishment (Chernova, Voytkevich and Ivanova, 2015). They are more focusing on the fact that choice of food and beverage can affect the quality of life of both individual and others. Innovation has always been taken as prior option of the organization. The ultimate mission of this organization is to enhance or improvise the life of various people. With every passing day the organization claims to improvise the products by making it healthier and tastier which will ultimately help the customers for taking care of themselves and their family members. This firm has the largest number of RD centers and more than 5000 people are involved in it (Cordn, Hald and Seifert, 2013). There is a team of scientists, engineers and nutritionists and designers to have the trust of consumer and provide them with quality of products. The main notion of this organization is to improvise the quality of trustworthy products, s ystem and services to improvising the quality of lives of customers. Strategic objectives Nutrition plays a key role is the daily life of everyone. Nestle strategy generally focuses to provide advantage to people by food and beverage product and services (Muller, 2013). Fast growing needs and strategy of the society provides nutrition, health and wellness strategy. Digital technology is shaping the whole industry, the current relationship with suppliers and retailers and the consumers who buy the products. With advancement of science and technology new opportunities are provide for facing the issues and challenges in the society (Chernova, Voytkevich and Ivanova, 2015). In the whole world where large number of people are undernourished or overweight this firm claim to provide solution for its consumers. Inspiring healthier lives: With the help brand name, products and services the organization is calming to inspire the life of people (Elena, 2013). Nestle claim to build and use knowledge for making use proper nutrition knowledge and providing people to provide people with information regarding the fact what they feed their families. Start Healthy and Stay Healthy: Programs like start healthy and stay healthy program generally help the parents and their children by providing best beginning in life. In collaboration with stakeholders united kid program will help children in having healthier lifestyle of eating and drinking. Nestle Healthy kid program: This program is all about encouraging activity and providing necessary information for nutrition. The organization main goal is to provide best quality of product to its customer (Mohajan, 2015). Nutrition and health platform which is Nestle science and skin health program allow the users to make use of most advanced research and development of network in the whole organization. With the help of RD network the organization claims to upgrade product and services which satisfy the needs of the consumer and helps in minimizing the rising cost of healthcare. Strategic goals and program used for supporting their objective Nestle aims in ensuring that resources are dedicated to correct projects which will ultimately help in maximizing the input (Muller, 2013). With the help of Nestle continuous excellence the organization claims in improving operation and provide necessary changes. With this program back office efficiency can be easily gathered which will ultimately help delivering competitive advantage and unlocking the various available sources (Cordn, Hald and Seifert, 2013). There are number of fuels for advantages for growth, support of brand, RD and innovations. The ultimate goal of this organization is to search for new opportunities and for certain zone where they can have contribution for problems faced by various firms (Mohajan, 2015). On one hand there are growing their business and on the other hand they are they are contributing a lot of things to the society. Trust is the main pillar behind the success of this organization (Drees, 2016). Trust has helped a lot in the growth of this organi zation, providing proper value for the stakeholders and as well as for the society. Nestle strategy has helped a lot in achieving the purpose of this organization, upgrading the quality of life and focusing to provide much healthier future for the coming generation (Vavpeti?, et al., 2013). Nestle has continuously adopted to the changing world and it strict follow its purpose and values from its time of establishment that is 150 years back (Sethi, 2012). The purpose of this organization clearly defines the reason behind the creation of better world with nestle. The purpose clearly states the reason behind the people who enjoy with product and services and for the people who are generally affected by business (Cordn, Hald and Seifert, 2013). The staff members of organization claim to be inspired by a lot of people. Their strategy has helped in ensuring a long term delivering for organization and making investment in short term projects for providing the needs of large of number of people across the globe (Biswas et al., 2013). The purpose of this organization has hel ped in satisfying the requirements of large number of stakeholders who are associated with this organization. Nestle Roadmap is mainly intended for providing direction to workers and providing strategy which will help it in achieving proper objectives (Muller, 2013). These objective demand a blend for long term inspiration for the workers and provide necessary level of performance. Nestle model is having securing and having success in the near future by having simplicity, making necessary investment for growth, scaling down of benefits and lastly driving the performance (Stahl et al., 2012). The roadmap of nestle consist of three main parts which are competitive advantage, growth drivers and pillars of operation (Mohajan, 2015). The overall management and strategic business is managed by small units of management and strategic units of business. Organization in general works with Research and development to check that the production of corporation is mainly faced by proper innovation. Strategic innovation will help the markets to have their business and objectives of brand (Sojamo and Larson , 2012). For achieving its objective Nestle has 500 factories in 80 countries with more than 17 research and development center. Competitive advantage: Nestle corporation is built on the belief that it can manufacture products in such a way that it can easily have value for long term stakeholders, employees and business partners. Nestle management and leadership principles are totally dependent on experiences which has led to its success in long term (Sethi, 2012). Production has always a big effect on environment. The ultimate aim is to have maximization of production of goods with reducing the consumption of available resources. In the whole Europe Nestle was the first organization to have biodegradable instead of plastic for manufacturing of products. Investment has been considered to be important factor for both the organization as well as for the corporation (Gonzalez, 2014). This particular organization has focused in creating long term value for the nation in which it operates. Nestle has unmatched product and portfolio of brand (Biswas et al., 2013). Nestle manufacture food items for all ages that is r anging from babies to old people. Operational pillars: Food and beverages have an important role in the life of people. It does not only bring enjoyment and social pleasure of having food together on the contrary it claims to improvise the personal health and nutrition (Sojamo and Larson, 2012). RD body of Nestle claims to have improvising the area like safety and quality, nutrition and health and lastly taste and texture. Nestle researcher and scientist have claimed to take part in providing benefits in field of health and wellness of various products to customer (Kulkarni, Rybkowski and Smith, 2012). Nestle corporate wellness unit along with unit of business is focusing to help the organization to have its position as leading in the field of nutrition and health. Nestle claim to sell products all-round the globe which is inclusive retailer superstores, supermarkets and large chain of stores (Chernova, Voytkevich and Ivanova, 2015). This organization is totally dependent on consumer making a choice of nestle product s over the other available products. Complementary between strategy and project Nestle is considered to be leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness and it is trusted by most of its stakeholders. This organization have always believed that leadership is not about the quantity but its all about the behavior of the organization towards its consumers. The firms believe that for earning trust of consumers a lot of time is needed (Muller, 2013). Another method of earning trust is delivering goods at promised time. The objective and behavior of this organization is embedded in the notion that is Good food, Good life. Nestle Roadmap is designed in such a way that it can help in achieving its objectives. These objectives are designed in such a way it can easily deliver the level of performance (Sojamo and Larson, 2012). Nestle is looking forward in achieving leadership and earn trust by providing the expectation of consumers. Daily choices of consumer drive the performance of stakeholders which can easily satisfy the requirement of stakeholders. Nestle believe that long term sustainable value of stakeholders for their strategies, operation and behavior. Shared value is created by this organization by having value for the communities in which they operate, for the partners of business and lastly for the customers (Suh and Badrinarayanan, 2014). Nestle is focusing to make investment for the future and which can easily analyze the financial and sustainability of environment for the action of operation in terms of capacity, brand and lastly RD. This particular organization claims to meet the needs of present generation without compromising the needs of the upcoming or future generation (Biswas et al., 2013). They will have this in such a way that it will profitable growth with passing years. Along with this a high level of return for be easily achieved for their stakeholders and society for long period of time. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be easily stated that this report is about worlds largest food processing unit that is Nestle. This organization mainly deals in production of baby foods, cereals, dairy products and many other things. The operating environment of Nestle has been clearly discussed in details. All the necessary requirement that are water, energy, transport, packaging and recycling has been discussed in details. Vision and Mission of this organization has been discussed in details. The ultimate notion of Nestle that is Good food, Good life has been discussed in brief. Vision of this organization that is Nestle is to provide best quality of food and beverages to its customer with making any adjustment with quality. Strategic objectives of this organization that is inspiring healthier lives, start healthy and stay healthy and Nestle healthy kid program has been discussed in details. Strategy goals and programs for supporting the objectives has been discussed in details. I mportance of Nestle roadmap for directing the workers and having strategic objective has been discussed in details. Various important parameters competitive advantage and operation pillars has been discussed in details. Complementarity between strategy and objective for Nestle has been provided in details References Biswas, A.K., Tortajada, C., Biswas-Tortajada, A., Joshi, Y.K. and Gupta, A., 2013.Creating Shared Value: Impacts of Nestl in Moga, India. Springer Science Business Media. Chernova, D.V., Voytkevich, N.I. and Ivanova, N.V., 2015. 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